You can update a 'A' record with on bind9 zone config file with ddns_client.py This Release works with Python3.8

Configuration of the system

1-)Create a Linux User (python will work under this user)

$ adduser django

2-)Disable remote login 'django' user

$ usermod -L django

3-)Get the Code

$ sudo su django
$ cd ~
$ wget https://github.com/egemeric/bind9-ddns-updater-django/archive/v1.0.zip
$ unzip v1.0.zip
$ cd bind9-ddns-updater-django-1.0

4-) Create Virtual Env and activate environment

$ python3.8 -m venv env
$ source env/bin/activate

5-) Test the virt env

$ which python

if you see the your directory location your virt env, it is ok.

6-)Add user Django to sudoers

append end line of the file /etc/sudoers/
if you use debian 9 or 10 you should install sudo via apt.

$ django ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/bind9 reload

by adding this, django user will run the reload command with python under root permissions.
if your distribution is different edit the' /etc/init.d/bind9 reload' section.

7-) Edit settings.py

if your bind9 zone file like this file format(Updater/dns.conf) this program will work. if your configuration file is different ,you must edit regex_query by own. Enter your config bind9 config location

BIND9_FILE = '/etc/bind/master/example.com'

And add your root domain, at this release you can not edit root record you can only update subdomains

ROOT_DOMAIN = 'example.com'

Also you have to add your subdomain record under the bind9 config file like this

updatedsubdomainname			60	A

Also you can disable DEBUG mode under settings.py
DEBUG = False

8-) To create sqlite file migrate app with manage.py and Run the server

python manage.py migrate

After that create superuser to mange domains

python manage.py createsuperuser
python manage.py runserver

9-) Client

->you can use my client under Client directory with name ddns_client.py. ->you will see the variables under of the script and edit them personally. ->you can use client via crontab to make update request